Web hosting is a very important and necessary thing for webmasters. There are many good webhosting providers in market to choose from. So, deciding best webhosting service is very tough decision to make. Once you buy it and host your site, there is no room to change your decision because, transferring your website to a new webhost may be a tedious task for you. If you are a webmaster who is looking for webhosting service and not able to decide which service to choose, we are here to help you. We are telling you things to be considered before buying any web hosting package.
Your Needs
Before buying any webhosting package, you should be aware of your needs of webhosting. You should check number of websites you want to host, combined traffic of all websites and your budget. If you are hosting up to 5 websites and traffic is average, you should consider buying a Shared Hosting package. If you are hosting more than 10 websites which are getting huge amount of hits every day, you should consider purchasing VPS or Dedicated Server plans. So, it is important to check your hosting needs before looking for any host.
Pricing is also important thing to be considered before buying webhosting. If your budget is low, then you should opt for Shared hosting package. Many webhosts like HostGator, GoDaddy, Bluehost, etc., offers plans which are affordable if you have low budget. Also, check the plans from webhosting providers for proper pricing. If you are getting webhosting with same specification from other hosting at low price, there is no point choosing costly hosting.
Limitations on Resources
Every webhosting provider claims to offer unlimited disk space and bandwidth. But there is nothing like unlimited. You’ll not get unlimited disk space or bandwidth. When you start using more disk space than limits set by webhost, or start getting traffic more than 10k-12k visits per day, your hosting account will be terminated by hosting provider due to consumption of more resources. So, before believing on any Unlimited Everything offer, please check Terms and Conditions before buying webhosting on the basis of Unlimited Everything offer.
Reliability and Stability
Reliability matters the most while choosing the webhost. Reliability depends on the responsive of company, experience with webhosting and stability of servers. Most companies claim that they have 99.99% of uptime. This might not be true sometimes. There are scheduled maintenance downtimes to be expected. Many times, with some cheap webhosts, you might suffer from frequent downtimes. So, choose a webhosting which has minimum possible downtime. You can check for customer reviews of webhosts on internet.
User Interface
Having a simple and flexible user control panel is very useful to manage your webhosting account. Most webhosts offer cPanel or similar user interface to control webhosting. But hosts like Digital Ocean doesn’t offer cPanel user interface. If you are a newbie who doesn’t know much about managing webhosting account, you should look for a webhosting service which has cPanel or any other simple user interface.
Active Customer Support
In case you faced any problem with your webhosting, customer support executive will help you to solve the problem. That’s why having a active, fast and knowledgeable customer support is important. Also, check for the ways by which you can connect with support team. Usually, many webhosting providers provide support to its customer via Email, Phone, Facebook, Twitter and Live chat. Having more options to connect with support team will help you to get instant response from them.
Choosing a perfect webhosting service provider to host your sites is very tough decision. Having clear idea about your hosting needs is the key to choosing a perfect webhosting. Before going with an new web hosting read HostGator vs. Bluehost comparison. But, if you check above thing before buying any hosting, you can choose a perfect webhosting which will fulfill your needs. Having a super awesome webhosting which can handle all your websites smoothly without any problem will help you to do your business happily.
This is a very useful article while buying a hosting plan. I think as a beginner, it is better go with a recommended web hosting provider like Bluehost or HostGator. As they provide very affordable hosting plans with very active customer support system.